Our services

PSP Analytics is committed to providing world class services to it's clients all over the continent of Africa and beyond. Here are some of the services that we provide. From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your business thrive. Below are some of the professional services that we offer to take all data related burden from you and allow you to concentrate on your core business without missing out on all the benefits you can derive from harnessing the power of data. Just schedule a quick meeting here so we can discuss the options that are available to you

Database Administration Services
Whether you're a startup needing to establish a robust database infrastructure or an established business looking to optimize and secure your data, our experts are here to assist. With our deep expertise in modern database technologies and best practices, we ensure your data is not only accessible but also secure and efficient. Learn more
Web & App Development at PSP Analytics:
Elevate your digital presence with PSP Analytics. From captivating websites to intuitive mobile applications, our team of seasoned developers crafts digital solutions tailored to your needs. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovative design, we transform your ideas into dynamic user experiences. Learn more
Data Collection and Integration
At the heart of analytics lies quality data. Our professional team specializes in sourcing, acquiring, and integrating data from diverse sources, and harmonizing it. this ensures a seamless ETL process and giving you the comprehensive dataset you need.
Business Intelligence (BI)
Elevate decision-making with BI. Our custom reporting and dashboard services, powered by tools like Tableau, offer clarity and actionable insights.
Data Product Development
Tailored algorithms, data APIs, or embedded analytics; our team crafts data products that resonate with your specific needs.
IoT and Sensor Data Analytics
Harness the IoT revolution. With real-time streaming and predictive maintenance analytics, we transform connected device data into actionable insights.
Advanced Analytics Solutions
Delve deeper with specialized analytics. Text, geospatial, or sentiment - our range of advanced analytics services cater to niche requirements with precision.
Data Analysis and Visualization
We employ advanced techniques to analyze data, identify patterns, and present insights in a clear and visually appealing manner. We transform complex information into intuitive visualizations, enabling you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.
Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning
The future doesn't have to be uncertain. Utilizing regression, forecasting, and machine learning, we empower you to anticipate trends and make informed decisions based on these accurate trend predictions.

Descriptive Analytics
Dive into the story your data tells. With our data visualization, statistical analysis, and pattern identification capabilities, we help you gain a clear understanding of your current scenario.
Customer Analytics
Understand your customers like never before. Through segmentation, churn prediction, and value analysis, we offer a 360-degree view of your customer base.
Advanced Machine Learning & AI Services
Push the boundaries with AI. From deep learning to NLP and image analytics, we harness the power of modern algorithms to provide cutting-edge solutions.
Big Data Solutions
Big data, bigger possibilities. With expertise in platforms like Hadoop and Spark, we facilitate real-time processing and storage solutions tailored for vast datasets.
Data Governance and Management
We build solutions that are Secure, compliant, and accessible. We prioritize data privacy while ensuring that data is cataloged and traceable, striking a balance between utility and safety.
Data Strategy and Consulting
Our team of experienced data strategists and consultants will work closely with you to develop a data-driven roadmap tailored to your business objectives. We assist in defining data strategies based on your business goals to drive results.
Industry Specific Solutions

Every industry is unique, and so are its data needs. Be it healthcare, retail, or finance, our specialized analytics solutions cater to industry-specific challenges and opportunities. book a session for a customized assessment of your needs.

Comprehensive Training Services

We offer comprehensive training programs to empower professionals and organizations with data skills. Our training programs cater to individuals at all skill levels, from beginners looking to establish a strong foundation in data literacy to experienced professionals aiming to enhance their expertise. Learn more about our 90 day training program or our 30 day program.

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
Data's value is in its accuracy. We refine raw data by cleansing, performing quality checks, and conducting feature engineering, ensuring you work with data that's both reliable and insightful.